
GEM Global Report 2019/2020

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2020)
A4, 232pp

Work carried out: proofreading, copy-editing, chart and graph preparation, page design and make-up, cover design, printing, project management

Involving 150,000 interviews in 50 different economies, the GEM Global Report presents the most up-to-date research into the mind-set, motivations, activities and ambitions of entrepreneurs, and the national framework conditions required to allow entrepreneurship to flourish, as well as showing how those factors have changed over the past 20 years.

Witchwood Production House partnered with BBR in 2019 to take on the GEM account, and this Global Report builds on the design language that Witchwood–BBR initially developed for GEM’s 2019 Women’s Entrepreneurship Report.

As well as providing a complete editorial and design service, we worked with a commercial book printer in the USA to print and deliver the finished books to Miami ahead of the GEM Annual Conference, where the report was officially launched on 3 March 2020.

Although the GEM account is the first time that BBR has formally collaborated with another company, we’ve known Dean at Witchwood for many years having produced more than 25 books for him when he was production director at Greenleaf Publishing.

That made the collaboration process a natural extension of how we’re already used to working, bouncing ideas between us to rapidly iterate the design process. The nature of this project also facilitated an easy division of labour between editorial, graph and chart preparation, layout of the main report in part 1, the individual economy profiles in part 2, appendix tables in part 3, and client and supplier liaison, which meant the project progressed smoothly through client proofs to delivery of the finished books.

The relationship with GEM is ongoing, and six further Global, Women’s Entrepreneurship or specialist area reports have subsequently been produced in what has become an established house style.

I worked on a project with Witchwood and BBR which became significantly more complex than initially envisaged and required adapting to new deadlines and new types of content — and Dean and Chris never missed a beat. Dean’s calm demeanour was a godsend in what could have otherwise been a very stressful process and Chris’s attention to detail is unsurpassed. This is a team that comes highly recommended to anyone who wants a quality product delivered in an extremely professional way.

Chris Aylett, Operations Manager, GEM

Many thanks to Chris Aylett at GEM for the use of the conference photos.

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